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Master creativity
Outstanding UX and amazing products come from creative endeavors. You can’t 10-step your way to an outstanding user experience. Therein lies the challenge that comes with integrating a technical, methodical process with one that requires more ambiguity, less certainty, and much more interaction. Creativity dies under time ultimatums. Yet product teams have deadlines. They cannot simply wait for the creative genius to strike. So what is a product team to do?
Who should creativity come from?
Another way to ask this question, is to ask, “Who is a creative?” Certain people self-identify as a creative — artists, musicians, designers. The real answer is that anyone can be A Creative. There is no magic potion that creatives take deeming one person specialized in creative endeavors and another person, not so much. Individuals viewed as creative have figured out how to access the creative elements of their brain. This is no small task and it may be easier for some than others, but it is most definitely a skill that can be learned. It’s important to begin with the proper foundation. If not, we may be limiting the creative potential of the team. So where should creativity come from? — from the whole team. In fact, outside of the team is a superb place to find creative inspiration.
Where does creativity comes from?
Individuals can be creative anywhere, but setting up…