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Be an All-Star At Work
How to Answer Your Own Tech Question
Congratulations! You’ve finally hit that milestone of wanting to break into tech for so long and finally doing it! Now comes your performance on day 1 and beyond. That’s enough pressure to drive anybody batty. Knowing if it’s “okay” to ask a question feels scary. I know great cultures, will say, just ask. Whenever you have a question. Ask. The truth is though that some questions are more well-thought out than others.
When it comes to technology we can sometimes think that if someone with more experience just “told us the answer” we could move forward. That is typically not the case. You have plenty to learn from someone more experienced. Don’t waste their time or yours on low-value questions.
Take the time to go through this process to ensure you are armed with great information, a very specific question and thoughtfulness about your manager’s time.
When & how to ask a question on day one of your job
Surprising though it is, most tech questions you can answer on your own without help from another person. I know that sounds like malarkey. I often hear women entering tech say, “I want a really supportive team who will help me in my career.” What’s behind that is that they want to…