Member-only story
3 Technical Skills Every Techy Should Know
I love blog titles like this. It’s a bit click-baity, I’m sorry about that, but you clicked on it so it’s fun to think about why this title works for readers like you. My guess is that we comprehend at some level how massive tech is and the thought of hacking the important parts are exciting to our brains. I love that! I love hacking learning. I really was just an okay student growing up. My grades were good (not excellent), but I skated by on my intuition and intelligence. I didn’t really work on being a better learner. I was too busy dribbling a basketball. It wasn’t until I was older that I really looked at my learning over the course of my life and I thought — why was I able to learn at such a high rate at some times and such a low rate others.
I remember when I was getting my computer science degree, I was also waiting tables at Ruby Tuesday’s to pay for college. I hated it. I was a seriously bad waitress. I got better though. My finances depended on it. But hating that job was awesome motivation to get really good grades in my Comp Sci classes. It was an external motivation, but still, it worked. I basically hacked my brain to work hard in computer science because the alternative was dreadful to me. No offense waitresses. Those of you who work as servers, I commend you. It’s a hard job and many of you make an art form!